Follow the Real Estate: The Properties That Have Been Home to America’s Most Infamous Cults

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Pull up the streaming service of your choice, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to be offered a docuseries about one of America’s notorious cults.

It’s no secret that we have an insatiable appetite for these stories that provide so much fodder for next-day conversations with coworkers (“How could such smart people get in so deep?”). So it just makes sense that we’d also be eager to peek inside the real estate these fringe groups used as home bases. After all, cults typically need a place to be, well, cult-y.

And what does that look like, exactly?

Some of the creepiest cults have taken over properties in the most unexpected places—sometimes right next door. And although many of these factions are long gone, their ties to the real estate remain.

Following a report from the New York Post that land with ties to a past cult is available in Southern California, we looked around the country at some of the most fabled spots where cults once staked claim on real estate, land, or homes.

They’re not all on the market. But they all have fascinating stories worthy of a closer look.

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