Falun Gong leaders disprove immortality by inconveniently dying
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I’m not – I’ll bet a pound to a penny that Xi Jinping has never heard of me, has never tasked anyone to contact me, or people like me, and, to be honest, probably doesn’t even care about Falun Gong as it’s basically a non-entity in China which is losing a lot of ground globally through its own deceptions coming to light. However Congressman Perry has written extensively about a secret meeting in which President Xi instructed “top state officials — overseeing political, intelligence, and influence operations — on a new strategy to target the Falun Gong religious group internationally.”
So, if Congressman Perry, or the Epoch Times (which he cites as his source for the secret meeting information) ever see this, they will assert I’m acting on instructions from top state officials, but the truth of the matter is, I was working on an article about what Western media doesn’t report or ignores about China, and covering the fact that Shen Yun, the Falun Gong dance troupe was being sued for human rights and labour abuses, as well as the chief financial officer of the Epoch Times being prosecuted by the FBI for money-laundering of hundreds of millions of dollars and I found out a few more interesting facts.
For the record, Epoch Times‘ source for the secret meeting is actually… a secret! Yet another egregious claim by a media outlet famous for egregious claims always citing anonymous sources, conveniently for their own protection.
What I coincidently found while researching is that now we’re reaching the point where Falun Gong is passing into a new generation, the cult is about 30-35 years old, some of the more senior leaders are, well, let’s face it, getting old and as a result, some of them are dying. In fact, the list is getting longer.
Falun Gong is most definitely banned in China. This is appropriate and necessary. The leader of the cult, cz Li Hongzi, claims he is immortal. Of course, this simply means, after he dies, someone else will appear and pretend to be his reincarnation. Apparently he can walk through walls, levitate for extended periods, manifest himself in different places at different times in order to ensure his followers are being good followers and cure all ills.
Obviously he can’t! Because earlier this year, Yi Rong (易蓉), director of the Tuidang centre, which is an institution claiming to cater to dissatisfied CPC members wishing to get out of the Party, passed away from cancer at the age of 63 but she wasn’t the only one. Li Dayong, who was only 50, and a former director of the same centre, also passed away due to liver disease. In the case of Yi Rong, it was reported that she was deemed important enough to be taken to “the mountain” to be personally cured by Li Hongzhi, Falun Gong’s leader, but that was unsuccessful and she subsequently died a painful death without medical intervention.
Others who have died recently are Ma Lijuan, vice-president of Falun Gong’s New Tang Dynasty Television, who died in New York at the age of 59 in 2023 and her husband, Narnia, who was editor-in-chief of the English Epoch Times, who died unexpectedly at the age of 63. Just a year earlier, someone called Gregory, the head of the English version of the Epoch Times, also died, reportedly of overwork, at the age of 67. By all accounts, none of the people who passed away were able to seek medical care, and this is just one of the reasons why Falun Gong is banned in China; preventing a person seeking medical intervention when it’s needed is a crime.
Something else that’s a crime in China is the leader of a religion getting wealthy on the donations of the poor. This is something the US doesn’t seem to see as a problem given that there are so many “disciples of Jesus” driving very expensive cars and flying from venue to venue in private jets! In fact, there are 63 private jets followed by a website called Trinity Foundation which tracks religious fraud. Interestingly, the site does not track other religions, only Christian evangelists who profit from what the founder, Pastor Ole Anthony, called religious fraud. Falun Gong doesn’t get a mention, but it does have a huge compound in Upstate New York which is constantly being added to and improved so money is filtering in, in large amounts, from somewhere.
The Tuidang centre, like everything else Falun Gong does, boasts of a great deal of success. In 2022, they claimed they had helped “400 million people quit the CCP“. To put that into perspective Jason Perry, their reporter (who appears to be absolutely no relation to Congressman Scott Perry), said that’s about 70 million more than the population of the US. Which may be true, but let’s take a look from a different perspective – that’s actually about 30% of the entire population of China and more than four times the number of people who are registered as members of the party. Carefully worded caveats such as “and its affiliated organisations” make the number seem viable, but even if the number were true, the claim is not. The Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed China and found over several years that satisfaction in governance is over 90%, hardly conducive to one third of the population wanting to disassociate itself with governance.
Further, there are still more than 96 million members of the party and a waiting list. It’s also a fact that full membership is not given until a one year probation elapses and the applicant may leave at any time. It’s also worth noting that, like organisations everywhere, fees must be paid. So getting into the party is difficult, getting out is easy, meaning there is no need to have an organisation tasked with “helping them leave”. Especially when most people don’t want to get out, they’re there to help their communities, and of course, it helps their own careers too.
It’s hardly surprising that the Tuidang Centre website doesn’t mention the deaths of its directors, nor does the Epoch Times, or the New Tang Dynasty media group. It takes ordinary people who are disgruntled with the cult to expose them on social media. Something Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television accuse China of is secrecy, but it seems they keep their own secrets even closer. It’s pretty poor publicity for an organisation that prevents its members seeking medical care on the basis that the leader can cure them of anything to have senior members publicly dropping dead on them.
The Chinese Government has very good reasons for banning this cult, more than just the idea of immortality and self-healing, more than the enrichment of its leadership and definitely a lot more than the misinformation it spreads about life in China. The Christian Research Institute issues warnings about the group but, as always offers a caveat with even more dire conditions under communism. There are however some serious messages; the cult’s stance on racial purity should be a warning to all, intolerance of other religions is not only acceptable but demanded by adherents.
What people look for, especially in societies where there are a great many anxieties, are releases from stress, both physical and mental. Qigong and Taichi are wonderful solutions to these modern day ailments and are massively practised in China, including by millions of people who both support and are often members of the Communist Party, as being beneficial to health. This is the initial attraction of Falun Gong, its exercises and meditation offer relief for many people but in doing so, it emotionally, financially and in many cases mentally takes far more from the practitioner than it gives
Content retrieved from: https://johnmenadue.com/falun-gong-leaders-disprove-immortality-by-inconveniently-dying/.