Cult of self-proclaimed ‘Queen of Canada’ threatens Sask. village with public executions

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An extremist cult leader and her followers have set up camp in a small Saskatchewan village, 83 kilometres northwest of Maple Creek, near the Alberta border. The group has called for public execution of elected officials and other members in and around the community.

Romana Didulo is known as a far-right QAnon conspiracy theorist. She has declared herself the “Queen of Canada,” among other titles including the national Indigenous leader.

She has amassed thousands of followers by pushing conspiracy theories and what she calls decrees through social media, particularly Telegram — a messaging app that has grown in popularity with the far right.

Didulo and some of her followers, who call themselves the ‘Kingdom of Canada,’ have been travelling around the country for some time. On Sept. 13, they were forced out of Kamsack, Sask., by the townspeople.

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