Women tied to polygamist sect charged in connection to 8 girls kidnapped from Arizona custody

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One of the women who was in the Arizona courtroom to support polygamist sect leader Samuel Rappylee Bateman during an Oct. 7 hearing is now facing federal charges of her own.

The FBI has accused Naomi Bistline, along with two other women believed to be Bateman’s wives, Donnae Barlow and Moretta Rose Johnson, all with kidnapping and obstruction of justice, in a related child safety case involving Bateman.

Both Bistline and Barlow appeared in federal magistrate court in Flagstaff Wednesday morning.

Federal prosecutors alleged in court that Bistline and Barlow were directly involved in the Nov. 27 disappearance of eight girls who were originally removed from the community following Bateman’s arrest in August and placed in the custody of Arizona Department of Child Safety. The children were found last week in Spokane, Washington.

In court Wednesday, federal prosecutors claimed that Bistline and Barlow were in frequent contact with Bateman through video calls between Nov. 27 and Nov. 29 during which time they claim he instructed them to retrieve the children and reunify the family.

Content retrieved from: https://news.yahoo.com/women-tied-polygamist-sect-charged-214505537.html.

1 comment

  1. There is a line that cult followers pass when they go from victim to criminal. The u
    Undue influence of the leader may be the reason, but cult members are nevertheless prosecuted for crimes committed.

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