What’s With Singapore’s Surge in Self-Proclaimed Life Coaches?

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When controversial KOL Sylvia Chan resurfaced in March as a life coach, the general online sentiment was, “Huh, can meh?”

The last time she made headlines, it was for allegedly abusing her staff at production company Night Owl Cinematics. Video footage had emerged of her smoking and shrugging off employees’ concerns during a conference call. A string of influencers called her out and accused her of being a toxic boss.

Now, a couple of years after her life imploded, she’s on a redemption arc. “I can sit with your fears and vulnerabilities as I have lived and embraced mine,” her website declares. And maybe she will. We haven’t booked a session with her, so we can’t say for sure.

Sylvia aside, it seems like anyone who’s a LinkedIn type these days fancies themselves a coach.

Feeling lost in life? There’s a life coach out there willing to help. Want to be a better boss? Maybe a leadership coach is what you need. A little burnt out, perhaps? Oh, look, there’s already a wellness coach in your LinkedIn inbox.

It’s gotten to the point where actual, trained coaches get painted with the same brush as the hacks out there. And sometimes, clients only realise they’ve hired a dud after spending thousands of dollars in coaching fees. Not to mention how an unqualified coach—and unprofessional methods—can cause actual psychological harm.

The problem is clear: anyone can call themselves a coach. The solution is a little less straightforward.

Content retrieved from: https://www.ricemedia.co/when-everyones-a-life-coach/.

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