Voice of Bart Simpson lives frugally while donating $21m to Scientology: Nancy Cartwright lives in $2.2m home that’s modest by Hollywood standards and was church’s top donor in 2007 after handing over $10m – DOUBLE her salary
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One of the biggest donors to the Church of Scientology made her fortune as the voice of Bart Simpson – and lives relatively modestly while donating huge sums to the religious group.
Nancy Cartwright, 65, was revealed on Tuesday to have given over $21 million to the group, putting her in the top ranks of donors, alongside Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and pharmaceutical billionaire Bob Duggan, who is believed to be their biggest benefactor, writes anti-Scientology blogger Tony Ortega.
Cartwright has voiced Bart Simpson since the show’s inception in 1987, and at her peak in 2008 was earning $400,000 an episode. The salary was later cut to $300,000 per show.
Yet for all her considerable fortune, Cartwright appears to live relatively modestly, in a fairly anonymous northern suburb of Los Angeles, Northridge.
In 1996, five years after becoming a Scientologist, she bought her current home in the area for $500,000: it is now valued at $2.2 million.
She has spoken previously about her faith, defending the Church after an HBO documentary about Scientology, Going Clear, was released in 2015.
The documentary deconstructed the background of the organization by presenting a history of the group and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
The film alleged that stars including John Travolta had been forced to stay in Scientology for fear secrets surrounding their personal life would be exposed.
Cartwright said: ‘That movie, I don’t know what to tell you, it’s called prejudice.
‘It’s very irresponsible reporting.’
But her extreme generosity to the Church was not widely known until now.
In 2007, Cartwright was awarded Scientology’s Patron Laureate Award after she donated $10 million to the Church. The amount was double her salary for the year.
The donation for 2007 topped those of some of the biggest Hollywood names in the organization, including Tom Cruise.
Content retrieved from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12092161/Simpsons-star-lives-frugally-donating-21m-Scientology.html.