Survivor of cult helps bring down the human trafficking sect he escaped from

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A survivor of a cult helped police to crack down on a group in Buenos Aires.

After more than 50 raids were conducted in the Argentinian capital in 2022, Pablo Salum became a hero.

Salum is believed to have been the first child taken in by the cult when he was just eight years of age after his mother visited the group for help with a health condition.

He shared that at first, the sect was a school of philosophy and new age culture, but that it began to grow into a much larger operation pretty quickly.

Salum told Argentian outlet TN: “The first meeting we went to, we were four people, I was the first child to be caught. Then it grew rapidly and we were more than a thousand people.”

He added: “I went from having a beautiful family, I went to having nothing. They left us totally destroyed.”

Salum became the first person to escape and tell all about the ‘Escuela de Yoga’ or ‘Yoga School’ sect and filed his first official complaints between 1991 and 1992.

Shockingly, nothing came of his revelations.

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