‘Shiny Happy People’ Digs Into the Cult-Like Religion of the Duggars
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Though the Duggars are from my home state of Arkansas, almost everything I know about them came from our former writer Courtney Enlow, who wrote glorious posts detailing the Quiverfull movement, how they thought racism was caused by evolution, and how Jessa allegedly church-banged her husband on their wedding day. It was all fun and games until Josh Duggar got caught molesting his sisters, opening Ashley Madison accounts, and eventually going to jail for possession of child pornography.
Josh Duggar brought down the empire. Now that TLC can’t capitalize on the Duggars with their 19 Kids and Counting, plus its spinoffs, Prime has stepped in to capitalize on their downfall. Specifically, Shiny Happy People explores the cult-like teachings of the Institute in Basic Life Principles, which what the Duggars bought into and attempted to spread worldwide. Although a couple of Duggars are participating, as the doc stresses, this is bigger than the Duggars.
Content retrieved from: https://www.pajiba.com/tv_reviews/shiny-happy-people-digs-into-the-cultlike-religion-of-the-duggars.php.