Shakahola Cult Trial Witness Breaks Down Narrating Heartbreaking Tale in Mackenzie Case

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Shanzu Senior Principal Magistrate Leah Juma was compelled to adjourn the testimony of a key witness in the trial against suspected cult leader Paul Mackenzie in Mombasa.

The witness, a senior consultant surgeon, provided an emotional recount of the profound impact Mackenzie’s teachings had on his brother, wife, and at least six children, who were allegedly indoctrinated by Mackenzie’s Good News International Ministries in Kilifi County.

In his sworn statement, the surgeon detailed how his brother and his family abandoned conventional education in favor of Mackenzie’s doctrine. He testified that in 2018, his younger brother and his wife withdrew their two children from St. Andrew Primary School in Malindi.

He described efforts to intervene, which included holding family meetings to discuss the matter, but his brother remained steadfast in his belief that education was ungodly.

“Shocked by my younger brother’s response, I convened a family meeting at our parents’ home, which was attended by my parents and all my siblings, including my brother, his wife, and their two children,”“During the meeting, he reiterated that education was ungodly and that he would not allow his children to attend school. His wife further told the meeting that if her husband ever decided to return their children to school, he would be the one to wake up every morning to prepare them.”

The witness informed the court that at the time of this decision, both his brother and his wife were devoted followers of Pastor Mackenzie at his Furunzi church in Malindi.

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