Seven Red Flags That Won’t Help You Avoid a Cult

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“What’s a cult?” It’s everybody’s favorite question when it comes to religion and true crime. I guess because it seems so unanswerable. Except that it’s very answerable. It’s just a boring answer. A cult is an unsuccessful religion. One too young and not big enough to absorb crime and controversy when it happens. One that hasn’t grown too big to fail. That failure can take the form of everything from criminal acts to public embarrassment to the death of a leader—all things bigger organizations can withstand with little issue.

I researched scores of not-yet-religions to get down to the thirty featured in my book Cult Following. That winnowing was necessary for practical reasons, but also because after a certain horizon, the stories of most cults get redundant. You see one UFO cult, you’ve seen them all. This doomsday cult is pretty much that doomsday cult. Self-help cults always seem to help themselves the same way. Still, even among the most unique cults that I could find, the ones featured in the book, they all seem to share basic commonalities…that will not at all help you avoid them.

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