Ruth was born into a cult. She reveals the sly tactics used to lure in victims

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Ruth Jarman was born into a fundamentalist Bible-based group, but didn’t question think to its values until she was in her 20s.

“There were lots of rules and restrictions on what we could do, what we should think, what we should wear etc. You had to follow the doctrine. Personal opinions or beliefs weren’t allowed. Disagreement wasn’t allowed,” she told SBS News.

In her mid 20s, she started to question why people were treated in a way that didn’t reflect Christian values. At the age of 30, she left the organisation, which meant leaving her family, friends and support network. She says it took 10 years to process the experience and unravel the damage.

Jarman, now 56, works as a clinical psychologist at Untangle Psychology to assist people who have left cults. She says cults lure people in slowly by promoting themselves as a wellbeing, healing or spiritual group, often withholding their real name.

“You start to believe things and gradually the beliefs become more and more extreme. Before you know it, you’re doing quite unusual things.”

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