People Are Sharing The Final Straws That Made Their Ex-QAnon Loved Ones See The Light, And I’m Truly Shocked By Some Of These

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If you also haven’t heard that name since way back when (well, 2020), let me refresh you. It’s a conspiracy theory alleging that President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against the “deep state,” or “a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles” that controls the world.It’s called QAnon because an anonymous poster known as “Q” began spewing nonsense about the deep state and “the Storm,” aka the day of reckoning that will one day come for the pedophilic, omnipotent cabal, on the imageboard website 4chan in 2017.

Although it’s somewhat faded out of mainstream conversation, QAnon is still very much alive. One of the most infamous January 6 Capitol rioters was known as “QAnon Shaman.”

There’s an entire subreddit devoted to people whose lives have been affected by a loved one falling into QAnon, both trying to support those individuals and help them bring their loved ones back to reality. It’s aptly called r/QAnonCasualties, and today, I wanted to share several stories from people who actually managed to get out:“My uncle, who is my dad’s brother-in-law, was raised in a very Christian conservative environment but was generally very cool, calm, and collected, and a great role model for what an uncle/husband/father should be. But when Trump came around in 2016, it’s like that whole positive demeanor he had flipped on a dime. I genuinely don’t know what exactly sparked the change, but over time, he just started spouting crazier and crazier things. Anti-vax, JFK and JFK Jr. resurrection, Pizzagate, election fraud, the deep state, Democrats sacrificing children in satanic rituals, you name it. And he also believed literally anything Trump said on TV and would defend it like his life depended on it.”

“He even accused his wife, with whom he had 10 children (because he believed it was God’s plan for them to create as many children as possible), of vaccinating her children to turn them sterile/infertile and end his bloodline… Yes, I’m serious about that. This led to her filing for divorce, the older children hating him, and the younger children being confused about what was wrong with their dad. So, since about 2021, when the divorce was finalized and they moved away from him, he’s been hated by basically his whole family and the extended family, too. I always looked up to him; he was the ‘cool uncle’ and appeared very intelligent when I was younger, and like I said, he was generally a good role model, which is why watching this downward spiral filled me with a mix of sadness and frustration…”

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