NSW woman reveals life growing up in a fundamentalist sect
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It was the only thing generations of her family had ever known but, at 19, one woman revealed how one simple act led her to cut all ties with the fundamentalist sect she had grown up in.
Laura McConnell, now 43, said she grew up in an incredibly conservative, fundamentalist Christian group in rural New South Wales that “pretends it doesn’t have a name”.
However, there are several names for the group such as The Truth, Two by Twos or Workers and Friends.
“Think of the most conservative Christian group you can, and go a little bit further to the right,” she told news.com.au.
“There were controlled appearances, controlled language. We were taught to fear the outside world and believe that our [way of living] was the only true way to get into Heaven.”
She said despite following the King James Bible there were other doctrines about sexuality and gender roles.
Content retrieved from: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/nsw-woman-reveals-life-growing-up-in-a-fundamentalist-sect/news-story/5d897dcb6ba0e4524626a7e7681217b1.