‘Mormon prophet’ cult leader forced children as young as nine to be wives

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A sick ‘Mormon prophet’ cult leader is accused of forcing children as young as nine to be his wives.

Samuel Bateman, 46, from Arizona, US, has been charged with 51 felonies for transporting children across state lines to facilitate sexual activity, recording it, destroying evidence and witness tampering.

Eleven members have also been charged after the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) was arrested last year by the FBI.

They revealed the suspect had more than 20 wives – with some said to be as young as nine.

Mr Batemen, along with three of his women followers, are due to appear in federal court on Friday for their arraignment.

Content retrieved from: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/mormon-prophet-cult-leader-forced-30104794.

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