LIVE UPDATES: Day 1 of sentencing phase after Chad Daybell found guilty on all counts

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Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

7:47 a.m. Just got word that the jurors have decided to retire for the night. Court will resume at 8:30 a.m.

6:30 p.m. Still no updates! We’ve been waiting in the courthouse for about four and a half hours. As soon as I hear anything, I will update.

2 p.m. The jury is now deliberating over Chad Daybell’s sentence – life in prison or the death penalty. Almost exactly 24 hours after the guilty verdict was read.

1:59 p.m. Prior says that if Chad suffocated Tammy, it is “not atrocious.” He is finished with his closing statement.

1:57 p.m. Prior reminds the jury that the murderers have to go beyond the bounds of human decency to receive the death penalty. “Chad Daybell was not actually present for the murder of Tylee Ryan. There were many other people present for the murder of JJ Vallow.”

1:56 p.m. Prior says Lori had been taking life insurance money from her previous deceased husbands since before she knew Chad. He says the allegations are not about renumeration. “This had nothing to do with money,” says Prior. “The insurance (for Tammy) was set in 2002.”

1:55 p.m. Prior says the indictment accused Chad of “espousing religious beliefs.” He tells the jury that the overt acts in the indictment regarding JJ and Tylee dealt with Lori Vallow.

1:54 p.m. Blake is finished with her closing argument. Prior is now beginning his closing statement.

1:53 p.m. We now see photos of Tylee, JJ, and Tammy. “Ladies and gentlemen, you will decide what justice is,” says Blake. “At any point, the defendant could’ve stopped, but he didn’t.”

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