How Mwerinde, Kataribabo ran doomsday cult with an iron fist

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Near the end of his life, Joseph Kibwetere one of the ring leaders of the Church  of the Movement of the Restoration of the Ten Commandments, a doomsday cult that would later cause the death of more than 1,000 cult followers, wrote to his family from Kanungu, asking to return home to die. Circa 1997, Kibwetere was afflicted by mental ill health, diabetes and high blood pressure. His family, however, wrote back denying Kibwetere his dying wish.

“[In his letter to his family,] he also asked to come with his people, the Marians, to nurse him and the family told him, ‘if you are coming with your people you have no space here.’ And he told them that ‘if you deny me to come with my people, you are saying you are denying me from God. I can’t leave God for you! So if I come back home, I will come back with my people’,” said Jacob Katumusiime, whose doctoral thesis titled Beyond Religio-Cultural Violence: A Historic-Political  Re-Contextualisation of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God set out to peel back the mask of the cult.

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