How a Newfoundland woman found herself trapped in a cult by her ex-husband: Christine Faour sharing story of her life with the Advanced Training Institute
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CORNER BROOK, N.L. — Looking back at her life as a follower of the Advanced Training Institute, Christine Faour believes she was “ripe for the picking” to be swept into a life in what she now recognizes as a cult.
Born and raised in Corner Brook, the daughter of Danny and Freida Faour, she now lives in Coldbrook in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.
In June 2022, she released her memoir “Behind the Dress,” sharing the story of her life in a religious cult.
“I didn’t have much confidence in myself,” Faour told the SaltWire Network as she reflected on how she was so easily brought into the cult by her ex-husband.
“Behind the Dress,” is Corner Brook native Christine Faour’s memoir of his life within the Advanced Training Institute, an organization she now recognizes as a religious cult. – Contributed
She had been raised Catholic and attended university at St. Francis Xaiver University in Antigonish, N.S., then went out west teaching.
Every time she’d visit home, she’d hear of friends who were either getting married or having children and Faour felt like she was being left on the shelf.
She was 29 when she met her ex on a plane and remembers him asking her if she was a Christian. She said yes.
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Former cult members offer piercing insights about how cults recruit and retain members and the details of cultic manipulation.