From QAnon to the Great Reset: Five conspiracy theories MPs have been warned about

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MPs have been given a guide on how to spot ‘deeply disturbing’ conspiracy theories that are threatening the health of British democracy, Penny Mordaunt said.

The Guide for Members of Parliament and Candidates on Conspiracy Theories was published on Tuesday and goes in depth on how to spot misinformation.

Compiled by expert groups, including the Antisemitism Policy Trust, Full Fact and Tell MAMA, the guide gives examples of eight conspiracy theories that have proliferated in the UK in recent years – with five being made public.

Ms Mordaunt, who commissioned the guide as Leader of the House of Commons, said: ‘The proliferation of conspiracy theories across the UK is deeply disturbing. They are deliberate campaigns to spread disinformation and fear.

‘If they go unchallenged we risk the public being conned and their wellbeing potentially damaged.’

Concern about belief in conspiracy theories has risen in recent years, with one 2018 study suggesting 60% of the British public believed at least one conspiracy theory.

Here are five conspiracy theories that feature.

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