Former Mormon lifts the lid on how the cult-like religion played a significant role in the ‘extremely traumatic’ kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart

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A former Mormon has lifted the lid on how the cult-like religion played a role in the ‘extremely traumatic’ kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart.

Beth Magnetic, who was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for ‘nearly 30 years’ before she left, now runs a YouTube channel in which she ‘explores’ famous true crime stories where Mormon ‘doctrine and theology played a role.’

Most recently, she uploaded a video detailing how Elizabeth’s captor used ‘extremist Mormon theologies to justify his choices’ and manipulate the teen after he abducted her from her Salt Lake City, Utah, home two decades ago.

The new analysis comes just weeks after Elizabeth marked the 21st anniversary of her sensational rescue and shared a powerful message about ‘true intimacy.’

Back in 2002, the entire world began searching for 14-year-old Mormon Elizabeth after Brian David Mitchell crept into her bedroom in the middle of the night and snatched her at knifepoint.

For 18 months, the teen was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted while she was held captive by Brian – who grew up in a Mormon family – and his wife, Wanda Barzee.

After she was rescued in March 2003, Elizabeth’s harrowing story – as well as her impressive strength and bravery – completely enthralled the nation.

While discussing the now infamous story, Beth stated, ‘It was an extremely traumatic experience for Elizabeth but there are some interesting pieces of this captivity that have Mormon roots.’

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