FBI investigating 2×2 religious sect operating in Bay Area following alleged child sex abuse

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SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — The FBI is investigating a religious sect that’s facing widespread allegations of child sex abuse. They’re called the Two by Twos (2×2) or The Church with No Name – and there’s a following here in the Bay Area.

72 miles south of San Francisco, in a remote isolated location of San Martin, a special meeting took place where a group of people preached their version of the gospel.

It’s a non-denominational Christian religious sect that’s been around since the late 1800s. It was founded by Scottish evangelist William Irvine. Historical records suggest it wasn’t until the early 1900s, the ministry set roots in the Bay Area.

“It’s a very persuasive type of religion,” said former member Michael Day.

“How would you describe this organization?” ABC’s Stephanie Sierra asked.

“They use fear and manipulation, they manipulate people and the fear of the Lord to control people,” said LaNette Burrage Flanigan, another former member. “They tell you, we are the only true way.”

Content retrieved from: https://abc7news.com/post/fbi-investigating-two-by-twos-2×2-religious-sect-san-francisco-bay-area/14945615/.

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