‘DANCING FOR THE DEVIL’ DOCALLEGED Villain Was Investigated by Cops …Cases Closed, No Charges

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The alleged villain covered in Netflix’s ‘Dancing for the Devil’ was the subject of two previous criminal investigations, but neither resulted in any charges … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us two sexual battery cases were filed against Robert Shinn and reported to LAPD in August 2023 — which tracks with what was covered in the doc … with some of his accusers coming forward and noting they’d gone to cops.

We’re told one of the cases was filed by former 7M member Kylie Douglas, whose story was featured in the doc. Our sources say the LAPD conducted an investigation, and the case eventually landed at the L.A. City Attorney’s Office.

Another case was filed and submitted to the L.A. City Attorney’s Office as well last August — but we’re told they ultimately rejected the 2 cases in April this year — citing insufficient evidence and a significant delay in reporting as the reasons for not bringing any charges.

Content retrieved from: https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/10/robert-shinn-dancing-devil-netflix-cult-investigated-crimes-cases-closed/.

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