Concerns raised about local church, The Network

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The Network, a series of non-denominational churches across the United States, England and Taiwan, has recently fallen under controversy as multiple churches are leaving and denouncing the group for allegedly hiding sexual abuse its leader committed and practices endangering children.. Members are also accusing the College Station location, Christland Church, of predatory recruitment and spiritual abuse of its members.

Boiling over in a protest on Saturday, former members and families negatively impacted by The Network have been vocal online through blogs, subreddits, YouTube and Facebook.

The Network began in 1995 when Morgan founded Vine Church in Carbondale, Illinois. It was renamed when Morgan created his own group that focused on spreading its influence through new churches called “plants.”

‘Culture of secrecy’
Signs made protesting against alleged abuses by the Christland Church on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024.
Signs made protesting against alleged abuses by the Christland Church on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024. (Photo by Abdurahman Azeez)
Originally from Illinois, Emma Wright, Class of 2022, wanted to attend a church she was familiar with when she moved to attend A&M. A former Vine Church attendee, she joined Christland in 2018.

“I literally started going there when I was a baby,” Wright said. “A lot of the people who were at Christland, who planted it, lead it, currently lead it. A lot of those people I knew from Vineyard, I’ve known my entire life.”

As reported by The Battalion last year, Wright was involved in Christland through a women’s group and often felt belittled and silenced by the sermons given by Sándor Paull, Christland’s head pastor and the vice president of The Network.

“There were so many red flags that I wished I didn’t gloss over,” Wright said. “There was definitely a culture of secrecy … It was very much expected at Christland that you would obey your leaders in all things. I remember being told what kind of music to listen to and not listen to by leaders. I remember being told what kind of person to date or not date.”

In 2022, court documents from Kansas revealed that Morgan, the group’s leader, was on charges of aggravated sodomy against a minor in 1987 when he was working as a youth pastor. Morgan signed a diversion agreement allowing him to avoid a criminal conviction. For Wright, the revelation was the last straw.

She left and was cut off from her friends at Christland. To this day, Wright has not heard from the majority of people she knew for four years.

Rick Alan Ross, the founder and director of the nonprofit Cult Education Institute, remains an expert in defining cults despite being a controversial figure within the cult education sphere. According to Ross, this treatment of members is a sign of authoritarian behavior not consistent with that of a typical church.

“A mainstream church will certainly acknowledge that you have a legitimate reason to leave, and they would probably say, ‘Well, we’re sorry to lose you. Please drop in when you visit. All the best. God bless you,’” Ross said.

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