Comedian warns Scots parents to be wary of dark cult recruitment lookout signs

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A comedian is warning Scots parents to be on the lookout for signs their children may be getting drawn into a cult.

Spring Day is gearing up for her first paid show at the Fringe. And she knows only too well how easy it is to get sucked in when your parents take their eye off the ball.

She said: “My family were busy working and not interested in what I was doing. Her family took me in as one of their own and said this is the only way and I said, ‘OK, sign me up’. I went to church three times a week, going on summer mission trips and teaching Bible school to kids.

“I decided I was going to be a missionary for the Bible college but it kind of didn’t turn out that way.”

Spring, from Kansas, then went to university to study Japanese but got involved with a fundamentalist group which said it would “disciple” her and send her out to convert people.

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