Church backing for ruling party candidate traced back to 2013

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A document describing the details of a report submitted by Tsuneo Kitamura, a Liberal Democratic Party candidate in the proportional representation part of the 2013 Upper House election, to the party’s Election Strategy Headquarters at the party’s headquarters. It lists the Federation for World Peace, a group related to the Unification Church, as one of his support organizations. (Takeshi Tokitsu)

A document has surfaced that shows beyond all doubt that a candidate from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in the 2013 Upper House election received backing from the scandal-plagued Unification Church for his campaign and the party knew about it.

The LDP member, Tsuneo Kitamura, also won re-election to the upper chamber in 2019 on the back of support provided by the organization formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

The first instance occurred when Shinzo Abe was prime minister. Abe met with the church president and leaders of church-affiliated groups in the presidential reception room at the LDP headquarters in Tokyo.

The in-house document states that the candidate, Kitamura, received backing from a church group and that the matter was duly reported to LDP headquarters.

Kitamura made a similar declaration to the LDP headquarters in the 2019 Upper House election, in which he was re-elected.

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