Children Of A Polygamist Cult Leader Talk About Finding A Career After Leaving A Cult

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Despite being afraid, Anna, Celia, and Hyrum LeBaron left their father’s cult and risked being killed. The siblings, three of Ervil LeBaron’s many children, refuse to let their trauma define them. Although they experienced abuse of all kinds, all three of them have excelled in their careers. They each left The Church of The Lamb of God and went into various professional fields. Since then the siblings have applied certain skills to the workplace that they learned from being in a cult. Here’s what three of polygamist cult leader Ervil LeBaron’s children have to say about finding a career after surviving a cult.

Finding A Job After Leaving
The siblings all agreed that being instilled with work ethic helped them thrive in their careers. Anna LeBaron, who wrote a memoir called The Polygamist’s Daughter that came out in 2017, is currently self-employed but worked in the air charter business for seventeen years. The first job she got out of college was administrative work for a close friend’s company. Fast forward decades later and Anna is a volunteer chaplain, author, and an advocate for cult survivors. Anna said some of the skills she learned while being in a cult have helped her in the workplace. There was one thing she said helped her the most.

“Incredible work ethic has served me well in every job I’ve ever had. When I found this job, I started work because my best friend owned the company. I started working for her doing executive administrative work. They put me in the customer service area one time because they were short staffed. I worked my way up to vice president of customer service in that job,” she said.

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