We were abused at Brit ‘sex cult’ schools where staff demanded ‘adult massages’ and brazenly printed vile pics at Boots

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But The Sun can reveal that the mystical organisation with thousands of followers across the globe hid far darker secrets in the UK.

We have spoken to women who claim they were the victims of child abuse at two of the schools run by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s adherents in England.

Six women have reported attacks to British police and 12 wish to bring a civil action against the Osho International Foundation, which has kept the Rajneesh flame alive since the guru died in 1990.

A new documentary titled Children of the Cult, which airs on ITV on Sunday night, tells of boys and girls being treated like playthings by predatory adults at the cult’s bigger establishments in Oregon in the United States and Pune in India in the 1980s and 1990s.

In the US girls as young as 12 were fitted with contraceptive devices to prevent them getting pregnant by the adult men.

The victims are angry that no one has been questioned or charged over alleged offences despite the fact that at least two of the men have admitted to having sex with a minor.

In the film one man speaks of his shame at sleeping with underage girls in the cult that promoted free love for everyone.

The Sun can reveal that one of Rajneesh’s schools in Devon was raided by the police in 1992 after images of young children in a state of undress were developed at a Boots store.

The chemist’s staff reported their fears to the authorities and social services were concerned that pupils could be “at risk.”

Content retrieved from: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/31020323/children-cult-wild-wild-country-sex-attackers-free/.

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