Watch the 16 Best Cult Documentaries Streaming Now on Hulu

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The world behind the closed doors of a cult is both terrifying and fascinating — like a labyrinth of manipulation and charisma that lures unsuspecting followers into its web. To an outsider, the tactics of these spiritual charlatans and radical ideologues might seem alarmingly obvious. Yet the true horror lies in how subtly the descent into a cult can begin. Often, it’s only when you’re in too deep that the reality becomes clear. 

For those who revel in the dark corners of the human psyche, crave the suspense of true crime docs, or simply want to arm themselves against falling prey to the next headline-making faction — Hulu’s collection of cult documentaries offers a gripping look into the most infamous cults, past and present. 

TW: These documentaries discuss sensitive and potentially distressing topics related to cults, including manipulation, abuse, extreme behaviors, and death. Viewer discretion is advised.

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