Spanish nun: schismatic monastery has become ‘a cult’

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A Poor Clare nun who left her monastery of Belorado, in Burgos, Spain, says she had to leave to avoid becoming part of a cult, after her community declared it was leaving the Catholic Church and placed itself under the jurisdiction of a sedevacantist self-proclaimed bishop.

Sister María Amparo, 81, has been in religious life for over 60 years, 20 of which spent in Belorado. She left the community three days after her superior Sister Isabel de la Trinidad made public the community’s declaration of schism.

Sister María Amparo was taken in at another convent, and has avoided speaking to the press, but did speak to local newspaper Diario de Burgos.

In an interview, she firmly denied Sister Isabel’s claim that the decision for the nuns to break with the Church had been unanimous, saying she and others in the convent had not been consulted.

“You can’t make a decision like this without a chapter, and there was no meeting. We were presented with facts [afterward],” said Sr. María Amparo while explaining that the 16 nuns were called to gather in the chapel, where the self-proclaimed bishop Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco was waiting to tell them that he was now in charge.

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