Shocking! Woman reveals Yoga Guru’s 1000 virgins promise, exposes cult practices at UK Yoga centre

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New Delhi: In a disturbing revelation, a woman was unknowingly drawn into a sex racket under the guise of pursuing ‘spirituality’. According to a report in The Sun, the woman was coerced into engaging in sexual activities with Gregorian Bivolaru, the leader of a yoga sect, who is facing accusations of rape and other criminal charges.

The report further described how she was lured into a sex cult, putting her in the bed of the movement’s so-called guru. Being at the centre of an international trafficking and sexual exploitation ring, she was made to work as a topless masseur and a sex cam girl.

Citing the woman, the report claimed that she was manipulated into believing that Bivolaru was ‘God on Earth’ and that she could receive a higher spiritual awakening by having sex with him. “I thought, ‘I don’t want to do this,” The Sun quoted the woman from Oxfordshire, as saying.

“I was physically repulsed by this person. I was shocked because we had been told so much about how this was a perfect living example of a tantric master,” she said. The woman described the whole experience as sickening and bizarre. While sharing her experience to The Sun, the 30-year-old woman said that she engaged in sexual activities with the small and dishevelled 67-year-old man at his two-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Paris.

She recited the ‘consecration ritual’ she had been taught – “Lord God, I offer up to you, here and now, totally and unconditionally, all the fruits of this action.” The UK woman added, “I went into autopilot, feeling completely disconnected and repulsed. After three of the positions he said, ‘You have lost your erotic energy. We are going to stop.”

Her absurd journey began in the most ordinary way possible when she joined a yoga class in London a few years ago. At that time, she was an English teacher who was looking for a job.

She told The Sun that in guise of spirituality, she encountered strange and unexpected events that promoted sex in every possible way. In the spring of 2018, she was invited to attend a weekend retreat in a beautiful country house in Somerset, organised by the Centre.

She revealed, “The course was called ‘The Polarity Retreat’. Polarity is one of their tantric theories that there is a very binary concept that men and women have very different needs, qualities and energies and that by separating them, as much as possible, you increase the magnetism between them.”

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