Nigerian Cult Leader In UK Arrested Over Death Of 3-Year-Old Son

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For two years the body of three-year-old Abiyah Yasharahyalah lay underground in the back garden of a terraced house in Birmingham.

The little boy was buried by his parents, who believed he would be reincarnated if they followed a ritual while interring the body. Tai and Naiyahmi Yasharahyalah would later claim that in performing the ceremony, they were trying to preserve their son’s soul.

Abiyah died in 2020 following a respiratory infection. This was not the full extent of his poor health. He was in a severely malnourished state and suffered with a list of other problems. Only when his body was exhumed by police in 2022 did the scale of his parents’ neglect emerge.

The couple lived off grid and created their own belief system based on a mixture of elements that drew from New Age mysticism and West African religion. They practised strict veganism and, as they had done with wider society, turned their back on Western medicine.

The lifestyle saw Tai Yasharahyalah style himself as the head of a fictional country for which the couple made their own passports.

But at a criminal trial, a jury heard they prioritised extreme values over Abiyah’s welfare, with disastrous consequences.

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