5 Ways To Identify A Cult And Why You Should Stay Away From Them

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What makes a cult?

Al-Arqam has displayed multiple characteristics of a cult. In fact, it’s hard to argue that they are not a cult. Here are a few key signs of a cult and how they tick all the boxes. This is also how you can identify a cult and stay as far away as you possibly can:

Isolation: The group may try to isolate members from the outside world and encourage them to cut ties with friends. The daughter of a former Al-Arqam leader was constantly separated from her family as a child.

Undue influence: The group may exert excessive control over members’ lives, dictating their personal choices, relationships, and even finances. An ex-member said they were taught not to use their intellect because people’s intellects are corrupt and going on vacation or shopping sprees were viewed as corrupt pastimes.

Abuse of members: The group may abuse members. GISBH had been embroiled in a child sexual abuse scandal recently, however the matter is still under investigation and the group has denied all accusations.

Belief in the leader: The group may believe the leader is right at all times and is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation. Many of the teachings of Al-Arqam are followed without question. Its members believe Ashaari’s claims of having regular conversations with the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and was also given the powers of God.

Unreasonable fears: The group may instill unreasonable fears about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe or evil conspiracies. In a Bernama report, a psychology expert explained that the internal impact experienced by followers of extremist teachings includes a sense of threat.

Content retrieved from: https://www.therakyatpost.com/living/2024/10/17/5-ways-to-identify-a-cult-and-why-you-should-stay-away-from-them/.

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