10 true crime scammer documentaries that will destroy what little trust you had left in the world
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These days, the world of true crime is vast, expansive and seemingly never-ending. We have grisly murders and thieves, white collar crimes and cover ups, stings and mysterious cold cases. But if there’s one particular corner of true crime that tends to draw people in the most, it’s stories about scammers: people who pretend to be something they’re not for some kind of gain – financial or otherwise – hoodwinking everyone in the process.
Scammers are fascinating because they could literally be anybody. They could be your friends’ mum who has inexplicably become a millionaire after a vague invention that has yet to see the light of day. They could be that guy your friend’s dating who travels a lot and once asked for a bunch of money, but is definitely paying it back, right? Or they could – as revealed in the much-lauded new HBO documentary Telemarketers, which follows two office workers who discover that they’re not actually raising money for firefighter and police charities after all – be your employer.
It’s true: scammers are everywhere among us, and we can’t get enough. With all of the above in mind, here are the 10 best scammer documentaries, ranked!
Content retrieved from: https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/true-crime-scammer-documentaries.