World Politics Pacific Te Ao Māori Sport Business Country Local Democracy Reporting Comment & Analysis In Depth Weather New Zealand In Depth27 Jul 2024 Former Jehovah’s Witnesses welcome inquiry’s findings of ‘credible evidence’ of abuse

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The Jehovah’s Witnesses fought hard to avoid the scrutiny of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. Now the inquiry report has found ‘credible evidence’ that child sex abuse occurred within the faith – and no evidence that it was reported.

Victoria waited 50 years to be believed.

The former Jehovah’s Witness suffered decades of sexual and physical abuse from her father, a respected Elder in her congregation, that started from childhood through to her teens.

It wasn’t until her early 20s that she attempted to tell another Elder about the abuse.

“I wasn’t believed. It was because of the two-witness rule. I was asked, ‘Where’s your other witness?'”

The rule, based on the Jehovah’s Witnesses literal translation of their Bible, says there must be two witnesses to a sin before an Elder – equivalent to a minister – can determine if there has been ‘wrongdoing’.

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