Woman who spent a decade held captive shares the warning signs she thinks teens need to know

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After spending a decade held captive by her middle school’s security guard after he showered her with gifts and promises of a better life, Tanya Kach shares her own horrifying story now specifically for one reason: to warn others.

“I want this new generation to see all the warning signs of grooming and mental control and brainwashing,” she told The Independent.

Kach was just 14 years old when Thomas Hose kidnapped her in 1996 and kept her in the second-floor bedroom of his house for 10 years, where he sexually abused her.

The now 42-year-old told The Independent in an interview that she believes if social media and “websleuths” had existed back then, her ordeal would be “a totally different story.”

“But grooming hasn’t changed. Stockholm syndrome, brainwashing, mind control – that hasn’t changed,” she said.

Content retrieved from: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/woman-spent-decade-held-captive-163535993.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJYr72WFCWmp_j08LzlT-K4khZ02SafvwJFNvcaT88uMON6kCLfUZbMP1-PHU5QnGg2loT34vc2fzwFsaFH_e2FAnqSAKlRJrS7IOo2dlKlwE3t6kokPINLkqeKnETZtoLb0eG4oxOYQL0xBe8jYwexq4klfDVkTUXrZtjLeIU0r.

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