Woman raised in incestuous family ‘cult’ reveals shocking way she escaped before she had to marry her cousin
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A woman who escaped a ‘polygamist sect’ known as the Kingston Group has detailed the exact moment she knew she had to get out.
Priscilla Tucker, who is from Utah, was raised in the Kingston Group, which encourages polygamy and marrying someone within your own family.
Priscilla, who has since escaped and is living a very different life at the age of 27, has been speaking about her time in the ‘cult’ on social media and podcasts.
At the age of 17, Priscilla was told she’d been marrying her cousin.
A disturbing family tree
“My whole entire family wanted me to marry my first cousin,” she told the Cults to Consciousness podcast. “But I didn’t want to marry my first cousin. So I told him not to propose to me, and he said he wouldn’t.”
Content retrieved from: https://www.unilad.com/community/life/priscilla-tucker-kingston-group-escape-624492-20250116.