‘Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo’ Is a Horrifying Exposé of a Megachurch’s Pedophilic Predators

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Religion, self-help, and horrific sexual abuse frequently go together, as detailed by Spotlight (about the Catholic Church), The Vow (about NXIVM), Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey (about the FLDS), Wild Wild Country (about guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s New Age movement), and numerous other modern exposés. In terms of sheer despicableness, however, few nonfiction affairs can match Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo, a three-part HBO offering (Dec. 6) about La Luz del Mundo (“The Light of the World”). A Christian church-cum-cult that now spans the globe with a reported 5 million members, its doctrine revolves around strict loyalty and obedience to its “apostles,” who claim to be the chosen messengers of God—and who, according to those featured in director Jennifer Tiexiera’s docuseries, are pedophiles who prey upon their adherents.

La Luz del Mundo was founded in 1926 by Eusebio (Aarón) Joaquin, the first “Servant of God,” and he was succeeded by his son Samuel Joaquín Flores and then, in 2014, by his grandson Naasón Joaquín Garcia. Built around the notion of these men’s divinity, the church recruits Mexico’s poorest and most in-need citizens, and under Samuel, it grew into an international powerhouse, replete with a Guadalajara headquarters that looks like something out of a science-fiction novel. It preaches heavenly prosperity to those who dedicate their lives to its teachings, and who pay tithes whenever requested—all of which go directly to the apostles, allowing them both to expand the church’s reach around the world, and to live like veritable kings, with cars, homes, and real estate holdings on multiple continents.

Content retrieved from: https://news.yahoo.com/unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-042813848.html.

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