Unification Church Falls into Category of Cult: Japan Min. Kono
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Tokyo, Dec. 9 (Jiji Press)–Japanese consumer affairs minister Taro Kono on Friday suggested that the controversial religious group known as the Unification Church fits the description of a cult.
“My personal understanding is that (the Unification Church) falls under the category of cult,” a word used for antisocial religious and other groups, Kono told the special committee on consumer affairs of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of Japan’s parliament.
Until now, the government has not referred to the Unification Church, officially called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, as a cult, with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida calling it “a societally problematic group.”
Noting that issues related to the group, including those linked to donations made to it, continue to emerge, Kono said, “We have to take political responsibility seriously and reflect on ourselves.”
Content retrieved from: https://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2022120900681/unification-church-falls-into-category-of-cult-japan-min-kono.html.
Things are not looking good for the Unification Church in Japan.