The LDS Church Released “Egregious and Onerous” New Policies Restricting Trans Mormons

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has introduced a slew of new policies further restricting trans Mormons’ involvement in their faith communities, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

On Monday, the church released the latest version of its General Handbook, which serves as a comprehensive book of church policies for members, per an official press release. The newest handbook reiterates the church’s stance that a person’s assigned sex at birth is “an essential characteristic in Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness” while insisting that the Church “does not take a position” on gender dysphoria.

The revised rules clarify that Church ordinances (the LDS Church’s term for sacred ceremonies like baptism, confirmation, and ordination) are only available to people who receive them based on their assigned sex at birth and haven’t transitioned in any way, including socially.

Laurie Lee Hall, a former church leader who was excommunicated from the LDS Church in 2017 for being a trans woman told the Salt Lake Tribune that the revisions are “egregious and onerous,” adding that, “We’re in a far worse place than we were yesterday.”

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