The cult apologist mafia (Part I)
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In July 2020, my self-esteem flinched. The annual report on religious freedom in the world by the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) closed with recommendations to U.S. President – then Trump – on how to protect this fundamental right; among the recommendations was to obstruct the work of FECRIS, the European Federation of Centers for Research and Information on Sectarianism, at the annual OSCE Meeting in Warsaw. Well, representing FECRIS at the annual OSCE Human Dimension Conference to denounce abuses in totalitarian cults is exactly the humble person who signs this writing.
So began my dossier on the geopolitics of cults (2022). The incipit was with effect. Trump should have taken care of obstructing me (with all the busyness he’s had fighting the “deep state”). This grotesque revelation plunged the stunned reader right onto the scene. Like a shrewd director, after surprising him with other equally grotesque revelations, I led him into an orderly historical reconstruction. It was a story about cults, espionage and psychological warfare. Basically, it was the chronicle of a “spy story” That report would be translated into English, French and Dutch and then published in 2023 in the Fogli di Via series by the de Ferrari Foundation.
Jeffrey Augustine, an investigator who is among the best known critics of Scientology in the world, has written on the subject:
Corvaglia offers the most accurate description yet read of what is, essentially, a multinational religious-based intelligence operation.
Arnaud Palisson, the analyst who headed French intelligence service’s “cults and sects” department for ten years, said:
The dossier on geopolitics of cults is a unique model. […]
Stephen Kent, professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta, Canada, one of the most renowned academics in the field of cultic studies, called my report ‘pure dynamite!’
I would not have thought that a work that is, after all, a hodgepodge written with a light hand and ironic wit, would be so well received. I therefore believe that the time has come to transform the material, which was deliberately presented in a “filmic” way at the time, into a more straightforward and organic treatment, supplementing it with new information and, above all, placing it better in the ideological and political framework. In this prologue, however, I take the liberty of resuming the spirit of that first dossier so that the reader, unfamiliar with the dynamics of the obscure world I am going to discuss, can be introduced to it with the right attitude, i.e. with the curiosity of the incredulous. In order to attract the attention that everyone has for the incongruous, I report some grotesque things that are useful for this purpose. The first is the fact that my narcissism has been tickled not only by the fact that a US government agency has advised the President to obstruct the little person writing here, but also by the further fact that immediately afterwards a non-governmental organisation called the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) proposed that Italy be placed on the list of countries at risk in terms of religious freedom because of my presence. You may be surprised at this by reading the article “Also Europe in the Special Watch List?” (Figures 2 and 3).
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