In 1983, police in Manhattan Beach, California, sent an alarming letter to parents whose children attended McMartin Preschool. A mother of a two-year-old at the school had told the authorities that her son had been sexually abused, and the police…[Continue Reading...]
The 'Satanic panic' was a moral panic in 1980s and '90s America that led to a number of unsubstantiated charges of Satanic ritual abuse. Over 12,000 cases were reported, some resulting in high-profile court proceedings such as the McMartin preschool…[Continue Reading...]
Earlier this year the non-binary singer-songwriter, Sam Smith, performed their song Unholy, at the Grammys. Dressed in a red devil-horned top hat and latex costume, the performance drew upon popular occult and gothic aesthetics. And it attracted a huge amount…[Continue Reading...]
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