Supreme Court Gay Rights Case Sparks Question About Scientology
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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch posed a question on Monday about Scientology while hearing oral arguments in a crucial gay rights case.
The Court heard oral arguments Monday in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a case about whether Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws can compel a Christian web designer to create websites for same-sex couples’ weddings despite her believing that her religion would prevent her from doing so.
Lorie Smith, the designer, believes the law is violating her right to free speech, as she believes marriage can be “only between one man and one woman.” Critics say that a ruling in her favor would result in a reversal of civil rights rules that protect marginalized populations. The case will serve as a test as to whether or not anti-discrimination laws will apply to expressive products that are considered “art.”
Gorsuch—seen as a conservative justice appointed by former President Donald Trump—questioned how Smith’s case is different from compelling a freelance writer to write a press release or speech for the Church of Scientology.
“Does every press release writer or freelance writer have to write a press release for the Church of Scientology, say, even though the beliefs of that institution may be inimical to that person?” Gorsuch asked.
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Interesting question.