She Was Sucked Into a Cult-Like Crypto Scam. Now She’s Fighting Back.

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“If you don’t understand the intricacies of how cryptocurrency works, I beg you not to invest in it.”

So says Jen McAdam, a Scottish coal miner’s daughter, who was one of the countless victims of the insidious OneCoin global cryptocurrency scam. As Jen explains in this week’s episode of Dirty Money, she invested her entire inheritance only to watch it disappear.

But rather than staying silent out of embarrassment, Jen decided to fight back and successfully mustered thousands of victims from around the world to join her. She’s written a book on the experience called DEVIL’S COIN: My Battle to Take Down the Notorious OneCoin Cryptoqueen, and she works full-time through her online Victims’ Support Group to fight for retribution.

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