Rise of the Maniacs Murder Cult: How Neo-Nazi Eastern European gang that ‘makes new recruits kill on video’ spread to the US as ‘Santa Claus’ plot to poison Jewish children is foiled and ‘Commander Butcher’ leader arrested

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A dangerous Neo-Nazi cult that began in Eastern Europe has been pushing its tentacles further into the West, with the aim of spreading the ‘flames of Lucifer’.

The Maniacs Murder Cult, or MMC, has been growing in size and boldness since its birth in 2018 at the hands of a former Ukrainian ultra, and culminated in a plot to dress a follower up as Santa Claus and feed poisoned sweets to children from ethnic minority backgrounds and Jewish communities in Brooklyn, New York.

Cult members, who stick to a hateful ideology that promotes the killing of ethnic minorities, Jewish people and anyone they consider ‘undesirable’, are required to prove their allegiance by committing sickening acts of terrorism and killing people on camera.

‘Members share a common goal of challenging social order and governments via terrorism and violent acts that promote fear and chaos’, the US Department of Justice said of the group in a recent criminal complaint against Michail Chkhikvishvili, a senior cult member who went by Commander Butcher and is accused of orchestrating the Santa plot.

In its Telegram channels, the group consistently proclaims the burning desire for RaHoWa, short for Racial Holy War. The averted attack in the US is understood to be the first known example of the group’s activities outside of Russia and eastern Europe.

The group was linked to dozens of violent attacks in the region from 2018 onwards, according to researchers.

At least 38 incidents of vicious street fights and attacks, some of which reportedly resulted in the deaths of the victims.

Content retrieved from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13642679/Rise-Maniacs-Murder-Cult-Neo-Nazi-Eastern-European-gang-makes-new-recruits-kill-video-spread-Santa-Claus-plot-poison-Jewish-children-foiled-Commander-Butcher-leader-arrested.html.

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