Major Shen Yun Exposé: Dancers Not Allowed to Get Treated for Medical Injuries, Paid Only $12,000 a Year

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The NY Times just dropped a massive exposé on our favorite butt of jokes Shen Yun, but there’s nothing funny about the fact that the troupe is sitting on more than $250 million, while paying its dancers $12,000 a year and forbidding them from getting medical treatment.

This year’s new crop of the ubiquitous Shen Yun ads has not started to blanket San Francisco yet, but they probably will any day now. After all, Shen Yun 2025 arrives in San Jose December 26-30 2024, and then hits Berkeley January 10-12, 2025. And it’s not really news that Shen Yun is the propaganda show for the cultish mystic group Falun Gong, and somewhat financed by the shady pro-Trump Chinese-American newspaper Epoch Times.

But the New York Times just published a lengthy, nearly 5,000-word exposé on the Shen Yun production, speaking to 25 former dancers and musicians from the show, and digging into the production’s business records. They found that Shen Yun has amassed a fortune of about $265 million with their show tickets that can run more than $300 (they’re $229 for the San Jose show). But the Times also found the show “treated many of its performers as an expendable commodity,” and paid them peanuts — if they even paid them at all.

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