Lori Vallow confidante gives chilling insight into bizarre world of doomsday cult mom – from creepy castings and visits by Jesus to claims her children were ‘possessed by evil spirits’
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Lori Vallow’s former sister-in-law delivered chilling testimony Friday as she gave an insight into the warped psyche of the doomsday cult mom.
Zulema Pastenes, who married Vallow’s brother Alex Cox the month before he died in December 2019 and was a close confidante of Vallow, said the murder suspect claimed her children had been ‘possessed’ and ‘attacked’ by demons before she allegedly killed them.
Vallow, 49, is currently on trial for murder in Boise, Idaho, after being accused of killing her two children, 16-year-old Tylee and seven-year-old adopted son JJ, in September 2019.
Testifying at the trial Friday, Pastenes also detailed how after Cox shot and killed Lori’s husband Charles Vallow in July 2019, an issue touched upon earlier in the trial’s proceedings, he had a bizarre reaction when she confronted him about the incident.
‘I asked him if he was okay after he had just shot someone,’ she said. ‘I thought he would be like in shock or struggling with what had happened and he said, “Zulema, he was a zombie”.’
Pastenes, who also claimed that Lori Vallow would tell friends she was visited by Jesus Christ before she allegedly murdered her children, offered a disturbing glimpse into the world of the religious cult she was involved in.
She said Cox ‘believed everything’ Vallow and Daybell told him about possessed people, including a ‘light and dark’ soul rating scale and evil spirits.
Though she later admitted she now believed Vallow and Chad Daybell ‘made it all up’ when asked about their outlandish religious zealotry.
The damning testimony also saw jurors faced with pages from Pastenes’ journal, where she detailed how Vallow claimed a ‘possessed’ person could be dealt with.
Pastenes wrote ‘dispel’, ‘burn’, ‘cast out’ and ‘get rid of them’ – with ‘binding’ another technique.
A hand-drawn diagram was also shown to the court which purported to illustrate how the spirit of a possessed person would remain in ‘limbo’.
Pastenes added: ‘Chad claimed he had been [the] heavenly father and Jesus and Holy Ghost.
Content retrieved from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11974449/Lori-Vallow-confidante-gives-chilling-insight-bizarre-world-doomsday-cult-mom.html.