Kim Jong Un’s portrait is displayed in North Korea, elevating his cult of personality

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Two’s company but three’s a dynasty — at least it is now in North Korea. The country has displayed the portrait of its leader, Kim Jong Un, next to those of his father and grandfather, a possibly significant step in elevating his status alongside his predecessors.

For the first time, photos released by Pyongyang’s state news agency KCNA on Wednesday showed the dictator’s portrait hung next to those of his father, Kim Jong Il, and grandfather Kim Il Sung. Large portraits were seen on the wall of a building, and smaller versions hung in a classroom as Kim spoke with officials, at the recent inauguration of a school for training new party cadets.

When Kim last visited the school, on Thursday, his portrait was not shown on the wall in the photos released at the time. It is unknown if Kim’s portrait has also been hung alongside the others in more places across the country.

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