How much money the Exclusive Brethren’s ‘ecosystem’ really makes

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Fundamentalist Christian sect the Exclusive Brethren has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in its tax-free charities at the same time as private companies run by the family of the church’s supreme leader have made millions from COVID contracts.

Australian Taxation Office investigators at the Olympic Park headquarters of businesses related to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, in Sydney on March 19.The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church urges its followers – who call themselves “saints” – to maintain an “utter hatred” of the outside world. Bruce Hales directs Brethren businesses to “spoil the Egyptians” by charging the highest possible price to take their money.

The Australian Vision Income Fund is set up as an “attribution managed investment trust”, a structure commonly used by private equity funds. The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’s “Elect Vessel”, Bruce Hales , preaching this month in Westfield, United States. Internal church documents reveal that one of the charity’s purposes is to “engage with a person of influence or status at a local level”.The most obvious sign of the wealth generated at the top of the 53,000 strong global church is the ostentatious spending of its Sydney-based “royal” family.

Records also show hundreds of millions of dollars in complex related party transactions with 2San’s parent company in the UK – in which Dean Hales is the most significant shareholder – and another related entity in Denmark. There are also Canadian and US arms of the business.medical devices, particularly bacterial vaginosis tests and pregnancy test kits which were not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. The 2San spokesperson put this down to a packaging issue.

Media reports from the UK show Sante Global LLP received up to $2 billion in contracts for supplying personal protective equipment to the UK governmentCOVID rich list, but also courted controversy when it was later revealed they had won the supply contracts through the “VIP lane” after the company had lobbied a Tory cabinet minister, Michael Gove.

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