How John Stamos Almost Ended Up Joining Scientology in the 80s: ‘Creepy as F–k’

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The Church of Scientology has gained notoriety ever since its foundation was laid in 1950. Many call it a new religious movement whereas others suspect that Scientology is more akin to a cult. Actor John Stamos had his run-in with the controversial organization as well. The now-61-year-old actor detailed his experience with Scientology in the 1980s and how he almost became a part of it in his explosive memoir If You Would Have Told Me. Stamos revealed in his book that it all started when his former acting teacher managed to slip him some books on Scientology.

“I’m walking to my car and Mia runs out and hands me my workbooks,” Stamos wrote in his book. “‘Hey, you forgot these.’ She adds an extra book, the size of a brick, to my stack. ‘Start with this one,’ she says, smiling. ‘I think it will open your eyes to some amazing things.’”

Mia encouraged Stamos to meet her at an address that Stamos later discovered was Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, California. “I crack open the book while on my shift at Yellow Basket restaurant,” Stamos wrote. “There’s a lot about control: controlling your reactionary mind, controlling energy, controlling space and time.” Stamos barely lasted there for more than a few minutes.

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