Georgia reviews French extradition request for couple in controversial sect case

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Georgia is reviewing a request by France to extradite a couple linked to a yoga sect movement who are suspects in an investigation into kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking, their lawyer said Wednesday.

Romanian-born Mihai and Adina Stoian were arrested on August 26 upon their arrival in Georgia under an international arrest warrant issued by an investigative judge in Paris, lawyer Tamar Abesadze told AFP.

“The issue of their extradition is being reviewed by the relevant authorities, and the Georgian court has a period of nine months to deliver a verdict,” she added.

According to the France-based Group for the Study of Sectarian Phenomena (GePS), Mihail Stoian is the right-hand man of the guru Gregorian Bivolaru — the leader of the sexual yoga sect, MISA/ATMAN Federation, which operates in 30 countries and reportedly has around 40,000 followers.

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