Fake Clergymen and Their Deceptive Practices in Europe

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The diocese that first warned its priests to keep their distance and not give any credibility to Salvatore Micalef, a man of Calabrian origin who roams dressed as a bishop and posing as an authoritative prelate (and also a patriarch), was that of Fatima, in Portugal. In some hotels last year, monthly healing masses were organized, with the laying on of hands on the faithful and other rituals similar to exorcisms. Since the matter was becoming serious, the vicar general Monsignor Jorge Manuel Faria Guarda issued a warning to eliminate the confusion that was beginning to create problems among the people. At the same time, he clarified that Micalef had never been ordained as a priest or bishop with the Pope’s mandate, and therefore could not be considered in communion with the Apostolic See. He also added that Fatima had nothing to do with these initiatives in which a young secretary, a self-proclaimed seminarian, who flaunted photos next to the Pope, also participated. ‘Those photos are only the result of occasional meetings.’ Naturally, the matter was also reported to the Vatican.

Content retrieved from: https://www.ilmessaggero.it/en/fake_clergymen_and_their_deceptive_practices_in_europe-8335969.html.

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